单个/单盒重量(g) Single/Box weight (g) 75.4g
Portable package, 50g, travel, can be taken on the plane One grasp is shaped, no indentation does not collapse, excellent shaping ability, support modeling levels are changeable, not caking is not hard Three-dimensional matte, fog feeling natural Gray hair wax texture, easy to open not sticky, a wash is clean Men's fragrance, light fragrance
便携包装,50 克,出差旅行,可带上飞机 一抓即定型,无压痕不塌,出色定型能力,支撑造型层次多变,不结块不硬邦邦立体哑光,雾感自然 灰色发蜡质地,易推开不黏腻,一冲即净 男士香味,清香淡雅